Mount Hope Branch: Filming
Filming is scheduled to take place on Homestead Drive on January 27 and 28. This may impact access to the Branch due to traffic delays and limited parking. Thank you for your patience.
Central Library - 4th Floor Closure, January 31st
Due to a special event set-up, the 4th Floor is closed on Friday, January 31st all day. The Makerspace and Newcomer Learning Centre will remain open. Study and work spaces are available on Floors 1-3. Thank you for your understanding.
Terryberry Accessible Washroom on the 1st Floor - Out of Order
The accessible washroom on the 1st floor of Terryberry library is unavailable.
Which Book Next
If you’re looking for a few suggestions on what to read, listen to or watch next, HPL’s team of experts would love to help.
Fill out the form below and we’ll email you recommendations from our catalogue.
Then, you can put the titles on hold using your library card. If you don’t have a card yet, register online.